Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday, April 5th

Easter was terrific.  Gorgeous weather so we grilled out in the afternoon and just tried to be outside as much as possible all day.  Weeded the flowerbeds......this is the first blooming plant in my garden each year.  Love it!

Morning workout for Monday - Bootcamp at the gym & 3 miles on treadmill.  Right foot is super sore.  Wore my Nike Shox yesterday and this always happens.  I must err on the side of function rather than vanity.  Nothing against Shox - just that ever since breaking my ankle & tearing tendons, they aren't my friend.  But my black ones are SOOOOO badass.  Love 'em!  Sad.

Swimming......need to find time for swimming.  This is the training issue of the day to be solved!

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