Monday, March 22, 2010

Kids....gotta love 'em.

Got a sick kiddo today.  Looks like Fifth Disease or something.  Training will weave its way around her. 

These are the moments that make crossing the finish line are so sweet AND what makes being a Mother/Athlete so hard yet rewarding!

I remember the Denver Half Marathon last October.  Sick kids, sciatic that wouldn't let me walk properly (much less train) for the month prior to the race, more sick kids.  A wreck would be the best way to describe me before the start.  All those people who told me I couldn't do it before I left sea level.

Insert photo HERE for motivation:

There was even one uncle who sent me a link to an article about performance issues at high altitude.  Like, I'm just trying to finish....not set any land speed records!  It's all about the finish for me.  Well, the work leading up to the race if I must be honest.   The finish is the icing on the cake.

Alrightie then!  We're off to the doc's soon.  I think it's a Benadryl kind of day.   

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